What is the PTO?
Timberline's Parent/Teacher Organization, or PTO, is the nonprofit group connecting families and school staff at Timberline Elementary in Centennial, Colorado.
We coordinate volunteer efforts to benefit our school and build strong bonds between teachers, school leadership, and families. We fundraise and use the money to support student learning through teacher grants, school improvement projects, and community events.
We are 100% volunteer-led and volunteer-run by people just like you.
Check out how you can get involved below!
Make sure you stay up-to-date!
Join the Timberline Elementary Community Facebook Group to hear about events, activities, fundraisers, and more!
Tell us if you'd like to get involved, email president@timberlinepto.org or anyone else on the PTO Leadership Team (see below).
Join a committee or volunteer at an event - see below options!
Attend our next general PTO meeting. General meetings are the second Tuesday of September, December, March, and May at 6:30pm.
YOU Are Welcome Here!
The Timberline PTO is committed to building a kind, inclusive community where all are welcome and valued. Please reach out to us if we can assist you with any accommodations, or if you have any concerns.
If you would like the help of an interpreter at any PTO meeting or event, please contact president@timberlinepto.org.
Si desea la ayuda de un intérprete en cualquier reunión o evento de la PTO, comuníquese con president@timberlinepto.org.
Если вам нужна помощь переводчика на каком-либо собрании или мероприятии PTO, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с president@timberlinepto.org.
Get Involved With Your Timberline PTO
Tap to expand any box below to find out how you can join our community and build up our school!
☑️ Attend a General Meeting
The PTO has four public meetings a year, and as a grownup with a student at Timberline, you are already a member! Our PTO never charges membership fees or requires a signup to attend our general meetings. Please come as you are and come help us grow.
At general meetings, we make choices as a group about PTO's spending and planning priorities, approve budgets, vote for officers, hear reports from Timberline's administration, and more. Your attendance is important and needed!
Meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of September, December, March, and May each year. Meetings are held in-person at the Timberline school library at 6:30pm (with a virtual option available). Childcare is provided at every general meeting!
You can be involved even if you are unable to make it to the meetings or want to help before the next meeting. Contact president@timberlinepto.org if you want to get involved!
❤️ Teacher Appreciation
We LOVE our Timberline teachers and staff, and we have lots of ways to show it! Watch your email for sign-ups for specific slots to help with teacher and staff lunches, treats, events, and more.
🙋 PTO Leadership
Are you interested in getting involved in PTO leadership? We are interested in you!
The PTO Executive Board consists of one or two co-presidents, co-vice presidents, co-secretaries, and co-treasurers. The Board meets monthly and communicates regularly to make big-picture funding and planning decisions. Board members are elected annually at our general meeting in March, but if you are curious about participating, we would love to start a conversation and give you more information now!
We are also always looking for volunteers who want to take on additional responsibility as committee chairs. Chairs work directly with the Executive Board to plan and implement events and other exciting PTO programs.
If you would like more information about getting involved in PTO leadership, please reach out to any of us for more information!
2024-2025 PTO Leadership
President: Brie Kirsch president@timberlinepto.org
Vice-President: Mike Rucki vicepresident@timberlinepto.org
Treasurer: Cayla Anderson treasurer@timberlinepto.org
Co-Secretaries: Sarah Lohrmeyer and Samantha Baca secretary@timberlinepto.org
🎉 Hospitality and Fundraising
Our Hospitality and Fundraising Committees are responsible for making our several amazing Timberline events and celebrations happen each year. Fundraising makes the work we do as a PTO possible, and we always need volunteers! Reach out to president@timberlinepto.org or anyone else on the PTO Leadership Team to find out more.
Family Fun Nights (Restaurant & Business Nights to fundraiser while you dine)
Grandparents' Ice Cream Social
Timber Trot
Craft Fair
Game Night
Royal Ball
Paint and Sip Events for the Art Program (and other "Specials" fundraisers are possibly in the works)
End-of-Year Bash
Are you a business owner or manager? We have sponsorship opportunities available! Our parent community loves supporting small businesses in our neighborhoods. Contact president@timberlinepto.org to discuss partnering with us.
Timberline PTO's Event List 2024-2025
Every Day
Shop at King Soopers, purchase items with Box Tops, or turn in your Longmont Dairy milk tops to raise money for the PTO. See information at the bottom of this page.
Every Month
Family Fun Nights - eat out to support the PTO once a month!
General PTO Meeting - 9/10/24 at 6:30pm
Grandparents' Ice Cream Social - 9/19/24 after school
Timber Trot (a fun run and our biggest fundraiser of the year) - 9/25/24 during school hours (will likely be in early October 2025)
Trunk or Treat - typically the Friday night prior to Halloween - 10/25/24 6:30-8:30pm
Craft Fair - 11/16/24 10am-3pm
General PTO Meeting - 12/10/24 at 6:30pm
Game Night - 1/24/25
Royal Ball (a dance for all Timberline families) - 2/22/25
Read-a-Thon (a new fundraiser for 2024-2025) - details to come soon!
General PTO Meeting - 3/11/25 at 6:30pm
Teacher Appreciation Week - 5/5-5/9/25
General PTO Meeting - 5/13/25 at 6:30pm
End-of-Year Bash - 5/16/25
Are you a business owner or manager? We have sponsorship opportunities available! Our parent community loves supporting small businesses in our neighborhoods. Contact president@timberlinepto.org to discuss partnering with us.
Support the PTO When You Shop
Other than the Timber Trot, do you know what our single largest source of funds is? King Soopers cards! Check out each opportunity below to support PTO just by doing things you already do!
Link Your King Soopers Card
Visit https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards and use code LG467 or Timberline Elementary PTO to link your account. You shop, we earn!
Download the Box Tops App and Scan Your Receipts
No more clipping! Just shop and scan your receipts, and our school earns funds. Find out more at boxtops4education.com
New: your Walmart account can be automatically linked so you do not need to scan those receipts!
Dine out for Family Fun Nights
Once a month, a local restaurant or business donates a portion of their sales back to Timberline's PTO. Watch your emails and join the Facebook Group for information about where we'll be this month!
Turn In Your Milk Caps
Yes, we still collect milk caps from Longmont Dairy! Just rinse, bag, and return your milk & juice caps to the collection bag at the front of the school. Longmont gives us a small donation for every cap we turn in.